A, an, the, no article — Exercise 3
Choose a, an, the or no article to complete the sentences below.
- “What does your friend do?”
- “He isaccountant.”
an -
- “Can Lily playpiano?”
- “I am sure she can.”
the - “Can Lily play
3.Let’s meet outsidecinema.the
4.This ismost exciting story I have ever heard.the
5.Are you going to meet menext Friday?no article
6.Modern life is impossible withoutelectricity.no article
7.Do you havered pen? I can’t find mine anywhere.a
8.It’sexpensive computer.an
9.Let’s havelunch together.no article
10.What month ishottest?the
11.Where have you bought suchcool sneakers?no article
12.I don’t havewashing machine at home.a
Try this exercise as a worksheet