Past Simple (was, were) — Exercise 6
Complete the sentences with was or were.
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The flowers
in full bloom.
The flowers were in full bloom.
1.Saratired after a long day at work.was
2.My teamhappy with the results of the competition.was
3.Matthewthe first person to arrive at the party.was
4.The weathersunny and warm yesterday.was
5.Wesurprised by the news.were
6.The concerta great success.was
7.Inot present at the meeting.was
8.Emma and Clairegood friends in high school.were
9.Ita difficult task.was
10.The movieinteresting.was
11.The childrenoutside.were
12.Youlate for the meeting yesterday.were
13.My friendshappy with their new house.were
14.Ita beautiful day at the beach.was
15.The bookson the top shelf.were
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