Something, anything, nothing, everything — Exercise 2
Fill in something, anything, nothing, or everything.
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Does John know
about computers?
Does John know anything about computers?
1.We are expecting to seeinteresting during our excursion so we are looking forward to it.something
2.I need to download another game. There isn’tspecific and attractive in this one.anything
3.You will seein my room. It’s totally empty.nothing
4.I have just told youI know about Kevin.everything
5.I will show youunusual. Just follow me to the barn.something
6.We will seeon our trip — all the monuments, museums, temples, and fortresses.everything
7.The students do not knowabout their future job. They are not interested at all.anything
8.Stop feeling nervous and frustrated. There isto worry about — he will come back soon.nothing
9.Will you give mefor my birthday? I like to get presents from my friends.anything
10.Irene has understood. She is so smart.everything
11.I think there iswrong with my watch. It doesn't work properly.something
12.Robert felt calm and confident.could distract him from his goal.Nothing
13.I won’t tell youabout your present. It’s going to be a surprise.anything
14.What do you want me to take out of this box? There isinside, except for a small piece of paper.nothing
15.You are going to learnnew in the course of your research so you will have a lot of material for your thesissomething
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