How many or How much — Exercise 3
Fill in the gaps with How many or How much.
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business trips did you have last year?
How many business trips did you have last year?
- does your new apartment have?How much
2.pages has Andrew read?How many
3.dresses does Emily have?How many
4.questions have you asked?How many
5.yogurt have we eaten?How much
6.soda have you drunk?How much
7.packages has she already sent?How many
8.puzzles have they solved?How many
9.olive oil do you need for the salad?How much
10.petrol do we need to get to Los Angeles?How much
11.seats have you booked?How many
12.soup have the children eaten?How much
13.jam has your granny done?How much
14.examples have you given?How many
15.plastic do people throw in the ocean each year?How much
Try this exercise as a worksheet