a few, a little — Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with a few or a little.
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She brought
snacks for the party.
She brought a few snacks for the party.
1.I havefriends who live abroad.a few
2.Can you give memore information about the event?a little
3.We havespace in the car for luggage.a little
4.William drankmilk before going to bed.a little
5.We needmore chairs for the meeting.a few
6.There areinteresting articles in this magazine.a few
7.There isjuice in the fridge.a little
8.I boughtnew clothes for the season.a few
9.There’ssalt in the soup, it’s too bland.a little
10.They broughtbooks to the meeting.a few
11.They visitedcountries during their vacation.a few
12.There’sbutter in the fridge, we need more.a little
13.They stayed inhotels during their trip.a few
14.We only havehours left before the deadline.a few
15.There isnoise in the background, can you hear it?a little
Try this exercise as a worksheet