Sentence transformation using the Gerund — Exercise 2
Paraphrase the following sentences as in the example. Use the Gerund.
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I insisted that I should move to Japan.
I insisted on moving to Japan.
1.He insisted that he should go with me.He insisted on going with me.
2.They insisted that they should organize a birthday party for me.They insisted on organizing a birthday party for me.
3.She insisted that she should pick me up at the airport.She insisted on picking me up at the airport.
4.He insisted that they should postpone the wedding.He insisted on postponing the wedding.
5.I insisted that I should carry the bag.I insisted on carrying the bag.
6.They insisted that they should wait for Kelly.They insisted on waiting for Kelly.
7.He insisted that he should call a taxi.He insisted on calling a taxi.
8.Olivia insisted that she should buy an expensive dress.Olivia insisted on buying an expensive dress.
9.They insisted that they should check my ID.They insisted on checking my ID.
10.Chris insisted that he should take a day off.Chris insisted on taking a day off.
Try this exercise as a worksheet