Dependent prepositions — Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
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Why is Laura shouting
Why is Laura shouting at you?
1.They’re arrivingParis on
2.I dreamtmy old school last night.about
3.Who does this present belong?to
4.I never arguemy sisterpolitics.withabout
5.Rachel is arrivingCharles de Gaulle airport at 2
6.Don’t laughmy brother! He’s trying his
7.Could you ask the receptionistthe Wi-Fi password?for
8.I can’t decidethese two desserts.between
9.If I paydinner, can you get the movie tickets?for
10.He apologizedhis bossmissing the deadline.tofor
11.Do you believealiens?in
12.We’re really looking forwardthe
13.I might go hiking. It dependsmy mood.on
14.This painting reminds memy childhood home.of
15.William doesn’t spend a lot of moneytechnology.on
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